voluntary accumulation plan câu
Overnight flurries will increase with a total accumulation of three inches.Gió mạnh buổi tối sẽ làm tăng bề dày lớp tuyết lên 7 cm, “…...

Yeah, well, his retirement wasn't exactly voluntary.Mà cái viêc từ nhiệm đó không hẳn là tình nguyện đâu. I'm voluntary here, see? I'm...

Hãng sản xuất: Annapurna Pictures, PASTEL, Plan B Entertainment Tác giả của Maximum Achievement, Eat That Frog! và Flight Plan Định nghĩ...

You tell him that that was indeed the plan-Nhưng cô đã nói rõ ràng đó chính là kế hoạch. An inclement weather plan- As they say,những ...

accumulation account
As your financial accumulation account grows, develop the habit of adding every unexpected sum of money that comes to you to this accou...

accumulation area
The line of equilibrium may shift drastically over short periods of time, leaving a whole glacier in the ablation area or in the accumu...

accumulation factor
But compared to other carotenoids, Crystal Tomato® Carotenoids have the highest accumulation factor in the skin (Hata TR, et al. 2000.N...

accumulation fund
Extract 40% to take on debt accumulation Fund;Trích 40% để đưa vào Quỹ tích lũy trả nợ;

accumulation funds
Most super funds are accumulation funds.Đa số quỹ hưu bổng là loại quỹ tích lũy (accumulation funds).

accumulation layer
In addition, this type of food contains very little energy, making the fat accumulation layer under the skin drastically reduced.Hơn nữ...

accumulation of error
The accumulation of error was, at that time,sự lượng giá bị chứng tỏ là sai, khi đó

accumulation of particles
Reduce the accumulation of particles in the components of the cooling systems.Giảm sự tích tụ của các hạt trong các thành phần của hệ t...

accumulation of snow
The excessive accumulation of snow on a roof creates a potential danger of collapse.Sự tích lũy lượng lớn tuyết trên mái nhà gây ra ngu...

accumulation of stocks
This contributed to a second successive monthly accumulation of stocks of purchases, with the expansion also the fastest recorded in ov...

accumulation point
The Nb carbonitride formed in the center segregation area is a hydrogen accumulation point in the HIC test, and cracks may occur initia...

accumulation unit
Accumulation Unit Value Monetary worth of each accumulation unit at the end of each valuation period for a variable product.Accumulatio...

capital accumulation
Capital accumulation, in turn, requires prior saving.Đồng thời phá sản yêu cầu tiết kiệm ban đầu đặt ra. How does capital accumulation...

capitalist accumulation
Marx and Engels also noted how capitalist accumulation latched itself onto social organizations of primitive communism.Marx và Engels c...

cost accumulation
Perform cost accumulation tasks as a member of the target costing groupThực hiện nhiệm vụ tích lũy chi phí như là một thành viên của nh...

frost accumulation
Every 6 to 8 hours, it heats up its cooling coils slightly and melts any frost accumulation on the coils.Cứ sau sáu đến tám giờ, tủ lạn...

heat accumulation
Heat accumulation can also present a challenge.Nhiệt độ cao gặp phải cũng có thể là một thách thức. Burning crop residues, for instanc...

ice accumulation
Ice accumulation on the back bumper and decklid, nonetheless, reveal a neatly sculpted tail.Tích tụ tuyết trên cản sau và decklid, tuy ...

inventory accumulation
The economy seemed to have escaped its dependence on inventory accumulation.Nền kinh tế dường như đã thoát khỏi sự phụ thuộc vào tích l...

moisture accumulation
2.Case hardening may be avoided or lessened because of the surface moisture accumulation and the liquid pumping phenomena.Việc làm cứng...

point of accumulation
The Meaning of Accumulation PhaseNghĩa của từ: point of accumulation